Utiliser le programme "delxml2html".

Ce programme vous permet, si vous avez un compte del.icio.us, de mettre tous vos marques pages en une seule page html, que vous pouvez ensuite mettre sur votre site.
J'ai rédigé quelques instructions pour montrer comment utiliser le programme, réalisé par Sébastien Sauvage : http://www.sebsauvage.net/.


  1. Rendez-vous sur http://del.icio.us/api/posts/all/
  2. Entrez votre login et votre mot de passe del.icio.us
  3. Enregistrez la page sous le nom "all.xml" (appuyez sur [Ctrl] + S ou allez dans le menu Fichier > Enregistrer sous)
  4. Enregistrez le programme dans le même dossier que le fichier "all.xml"
  5. Lancez le programme
  6. Si vous utilisez le programme modifié, enregistrez le fichier CSS dans un fichier nommé "favs.css" que vous placerez dans le même répertoire que "favs.html"
  7. C'est bon ! Vous avez votre page favs.html, avec tous vos favoris en un seule page
  8. Mettez à jour de temps en temps en ré-enregistrant le fichier "all.xml"

Code du programme

Programme original (Télécharger au format Python) (http://sebsauvage.net/python/programs.html#delxml2html) :

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import datetime, time
import xml.dom.minidom
# delxml2html.py  version 1.0.0
# del.icio.us XML export to HTML converter.
# This program takes the XML export of your bookmarks
# and creates an HTML page from it.
# Instructions:
#   1) Go to http://del.icio.us/api/posts/all
#   2) Enter your del.icio.us login and password
#   3) Save the page as all.xml
#   4) Run this program
#   5) You have your bookmarks in favs.html
# Requirements:
#     - a del.icio.us account.
#     - Python 2.4 or later.
# License: This program is public domain.
# Author: Sébastien SAUVAGE (webmaster of http://sebsauvage.net)
print 'Reading all.xml and writing favs.html...'
document = xml.dom.minidom.parse('all.xml')
attrv = document.getElementsByTagName('posts')[0].attributes['update'].value
export_date = attrv.replace('T',' ').replace('Z','')[:10]
posts = {}
# Get all posts, put them in a dictionnary (key = date/time of post) 
for post in document.getElementsByTagName('post'):
    timep = post.attributes['time'].value.replace('T',' ').replace('Z','')
    attributes = {'time':timep}
    for attributename in ('href','description','extended','tag'):
        attributes[attributename] = u""
            attributes[attributename] = post.attributes[attributename].value
        except KeyError:
            pass  # Value not found. Nevermind.
    # Strip ridiculously long page titles:
    attributes['description'] = attributes['description'][:150]
    posts[timep] = attributes
# Take the list of posts (chronological order) and build HTML
htmlbody = u""
for timep in reversed(sorted(posts.keys())):
    htmlbody += (u'<a href="%(href)s"><b>%(description)s</b></a> - <small>'
                +u'%(href)s</small><br><dd>%(extended)s (Tags: %(tag)s)</dd>'
                +u'<br><br>\n') % posts[timep]

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<style type="text/css"><!--body{
font-family:"Trebuchet MS",Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;}
--></style> <title>Bookmarks %s</title></head><body><h1>Bookmarks %s</h1><body>
''' % (export_date,export_date,htmlbody)

file = open('favs.html','w+b')

print "Done."

Programme modifié (Télécharger au format Python) :
Modifications apportées :

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import datetime, time
import xml.dom.minidom
# delxml2html.py  version 1.0.0
# del.icio.us XML export to HTML converter.
# This program takes the XML export of your bookmarks
# and creates an HTML page from it.
# Instructions:
#   1) Go to http://del.icio.us/api/posts/all
#   2) Enter your del.icio.us login and password
#   3) Save the page as all.xml
#   4) Run this program
#   5) You have your bookmarks in favs.html
# Requirements:
#     - a del.icio.us account.
#     - Python 2.4 or later.
# License: This program is public domain.
# Author: Sébastien SAUVAGE (webmaster of http://sebsauvage.net)
# Ce programme a été modifé.
# Modifications apportées :
#   -Respect des normes du W3C
#   -Version xhtml 1.0 Strict
#   -Utilisation d'une feuille de style CSS.
print 'Reading all.xml and writing favs.html...'
document = xml.dom.minidom.parse('all.xml')
attrv = document.getElementsByTagName('posts')[0].attributes['update'].value
export_date = attrv.replace('T',' ').replace('Z','')[:10]
posts = {}
# Get all posts, put them in a dictionnary (key = date/time of post) 
for post in document.getElementsByTagName('post'):
    timep = post.attributes['time'].value.replace('T',' ').replace('Z','')
    attributes = {'time':timep}
    for attributename in ('href','description','extended','tag'):
        attributes[attributename] = u""
            attributes[attributename] = post.attributes[attributename].value
        except KeyError:
            pass  # Value not found. Nevermind.
    # Strip ridiculously long page titles:
    attributes['description'] = attributes['description'][:150]
    posts[timep] = attributes
# Take the list of posts (chronological order) and build HTML
htmlbody = u""
for timep in reversed(sorted(posts.keys())):
    htmlbody += (u'<span class="d"><a href="%(href)s">%(description)s</a></span> - <span class="l">'
                +u'%(href)s</span><br /><span class="n">%(extended)s (Tags: %(tag)s)</span>'
                +u'<br /><br />\n') % posts[timep]

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html  lang="fr">
       <title>Bookmarks %s</title>
       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />
       <link type="text/css" href="favs.css" rel="stylesheet" />
   <body>    <h1>Bookmarks %s</h1>
''' % (export_date,export_date,htmlbody)
file = open('favs.html','w+b')

print "Done."

Et le fichier CSS qui va avec le programme modifié :

body{font-family:"Trebuchet MS",Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;}
p span.d{font-weight:bold;}
p span.l{font-size:0.8em;}
p span.n{margin-left:3%;}